Animal Nutrition

Animal species

Product types


Problems in cattle herds are often due to incorrect feeding. The rumen plays a key role in ruminant nutrition.

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The power of phytogenics and their active ingredients has been known for centuries. Inspired by nature, their benefits are nowadays also proven in animal nutrition. Among other important effects, they are able to support a healthy respiratory tract and boost animal well-being.

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During times of disease and immune response, 62% of the protein ingested is not used for growth. The metabolism and especially the liver function are decreased. In this specific time, both energy and protein metabolism need to be accelerated.

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Intestinal health is the basis for well-being and good performance of laying hens. However, due to different stress factors such as vaccination, transfer from the rearing to the production facility and medical treatment, the equilibrium of the intestinal microbiota can be disturbed.

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As well as individual and customised premixes, MIAVIT offers innovative feed additives, mineral feeds and supplements in different application forms.

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As well as individual and customised premixes, MIAVIT offers innovative feed additives, protein concentrates and supplements.

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If you have any questions concerning our products feel free to contact us!

Andreas Haker

Head of CIS, Asia and Near East

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Pablo Fuentes Cot

Head of ASEMEA & Aquaculture Division

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